Thursday, January 8, 2009

God-Willing, Muslims will have the upper hand

Please donate generously for our families in Gaza:

When it is said to the Jews don't make mischieve in the land, they say 'we are peace-makers only'.

And indeed, out of all the people on earth, you will find the Jews to be our greatest enermy.

Not to worry though, the Jews/Zionists have been cursed, and God's anger and veil is ever surrounding them.

In the early days, they were transformed into apes and pigs, in the later days, even the rocks and trees will testify against them.

Clearly they are the devil amongst mankind and pets amongst the devil-kind.

Muslims, regardless of who you are, never forgive the crimes of the zionists nor forget. Bring it up on the Day of Judgement, ask for your right in terms of causing you all the emotional etc pain, so much so that the zionists will be thrown into 'darkil asfal', the depths of hell.

May they rot in hell for eternity. Every soul shall taste death. But the souls of the Mujahedeen shall taste a pleasant death while the souls of the zionists shall taste a slow and painful death.

Muslims, you are guaranteed two things, either victory or martyrodom while the zionists are guaranteed either humiliation or hell.

Don't lose hope, the lasting success is ours inshala and God is on our side.


insomniac said...

Ameen to the dua'as and Jazakillah Khair.

May the oppression end. Ameen

Anonymous said...

Salam alaikum, jazakAllah khairan, ameen!