Wednesday, January 21, 2009

After Gaza: How the Prophet asw dealt with loss

In the Name of Allah, we invoke peace and blessings upon His Messenger.

{"And do not despair or be sad, as you are the most superior so long as you are believers."} [Al 'Imran; 139]

When the disbelievers had completed their attacks and mutilation of the corpses of the Companions of Uhud, Abu Sufyan scaled Mount Uhud looking for the Prophet, Abu Bakr, and 'Umar.

He called out to them and taunted them, but 'Umar did not give the response of a defeated, dismayed, weak, and submissive victim. Rather he replied: "O enemy of Allah, those whom you have just mentioned, I tell you that they are still alive. Allah has maintained what you hate!"

Abu Sufyan replied: "The mutilation of your dead is something I did not order. However, it did not displease me. May Hubal be sublime!"

At the behest of the Prophet, 'Umar replied: "Allah is more Sublime, Exalted, and Mightier!"

Abu Sufyan then shouted: "al-'Uzza is ours, and you have no 'Uzza!"

'Umar then made his famous statement: "Allah is our Helper, and you have no helper (الله مولانا و لا مولى لكم)!"

Frustrated, Abu Sufyan muttered: "Today is revenge for Badr, as war is conducted with alternating successes."

Unrelenting, 'Umar yelled back: "No, we are not the same. Our dead are in Paradise, while your dead are in Hell!"

This shows that no matter how demoralizing a loss may be for you, the Muslim - no matter how many mosques are bombed to rubble, how many children are made into orphans or are themselves burned to a crisp by white phosphorous bombs, how distressing it is that even basic food and medicine are held back from our brothers and sisters by those who have no regard for human life – no matter how cruel a hand you as a Muslim are dealt, you always keeps your head up, your boldness intact, and put aside your anxiety and dismay.

{"Those to whom the people said: "Verily, the people have gathered against you a great army. So, fear them.""} [Al 'Imran; 173] {"…But it only increased them in faith, and they said: "Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.""} [Al 'Imran; 173]

Similarly, it is upon us to examine ourselves as individuals and groups and see if we are reacting to the devastation and loss experienced in Gaza in the proper way and with the proper attitude. The bravery of the Prophet at Hamra' al-Asad, the post-defeat boldness of 'Umar while speaking down to Abu Sufyan, the cleverness of Khalid bin al-Walid in reversing the flanks in the face of an imminent loss at Mu'tah – these should all serve to strengthen us and teach us that despair, pain, anxiety, and victimization should not be in the dictionary of the Muslim. Rather, we should always maintain our honor and confidence following defeat, keep our heads raised high in the face of loss, and face those who continue to challenge us in a bold, smart, and effective way.
{"And do not despair or be sad, as you are the most superior so long as you are believers. If a disaster befalls you, be sure that a disaster has likewise befallen them. And such are the days, we rotate them between the people…"}

Beautiful article, please click on the following link if you wish to read the whole thing:

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